Rubber Expansion Joint

Series 20W, Wide Arch Type with Integral Rubber Flange
  • Greater movement
  • Greater flexibility
  • Lower spring rates
  • Greater strength and higher pressure rating
  • Greater than 4 to 1 safety factor
  • Higher temperature rating
  • Wide variety of elastomers
  • Less cost
  • Lighter weight

21W with Steel Retaining Ring

22W for Drinjing Water Service

Typical Construction of Series 20W

Kurbo Series 20W, wide arch type expansion joints are reengineered design to improve movement and spring rate capabilities of conventional spool arch type expansion joints. Utilizing modern engineering principles and materials developed in tire industry, we create the Series 20W, new and improved design that provides great movement capability, lower spring rate with no sacrifice of strength.

Single wide arch expansion joint is greater than or equal to that of conventional double spool arch expansion joint, while offering shorter face to face length. Kurbo Type 22W, double wide arch expansion joints provide about 40% higher axial movement capability and 30% greater lateral movement capability than the conventional triple spool arch products, maintaining shorter or the same face to face length. Thus, they eliminate the needs for double or multiple arch spool type joints resulting in less cost.

Kurbo wide arch type expansion joints can be offered in either Integrally Rubber Flanged (20W)or Floating Flanged(30FF) varieties.