Control unit assembly is a system of two or more control rods (tie rods), extending from the mating flanges of the expansion joint to minimize possible failure of the expansion joint from excessive motions caused by failure of anchoring/guiding, abnormal thermal fluctuation and pressure surge etc. Control unit assemblies can be set at the maximum allowable extension and compression of rubber expansion joint and absorb static pressure thrust developed at the expansion joint. When used in this manner, control units are additional safety factor and can minimize possible damage to adjacent equipment.
Rubber expansion joints must be installed between two fixed anchor points in piping and piping anchors must take end thrusts produced by internal pressure or thermal changes. When it is impossible to provide adequate anchors, control units must be used to restrain the piping system
Kurbo standard control unit consists of :
Kurbo supplies various control unit configurations for individual piping system
MORE +Typical control rod assembly with optional spherical washer for equal dispersement of axial and lateral forces
Double spherical washer control rod system for lateral load distribution
Special control rod system with back-up flange with integral lug for no loads transmission to mating pipe flanges